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Your Guide to Caring for Indoor Plants

Your Guide to Caring for Indoor Plants

22nd Sep 2023

Not everyone has a green thumb. But with this simple guide, everyone can try their hand at keeping their indoor plants healthy. Read on to learn the easy ways of taking care of your plants from Nancy’s Floral’s inside scoop.

Set a Watering Schedule

When it comes to watering, every plant is different. Make sure you know what your plants need. Once you know how much water to provide your plants, be sure to set a schedule to prevent over or under watering. A schedule will also help you notice if your soil is too wet or too dry, and you can easily adjust your watering amounts. For more information on specific plants, visit our Plant Care page.

Repot When Necessary

If your plant is overgrown, or you notice the roots circling the pot, it is time to repot your plant into a bigger pot. This will help your plant continue to grow at a healthy rate. However, be sure to move up one plant size at a time. If there is too much room in the pot, the extra soil can hold excess water, which can lead to fungal diseases and root rot.

Remove Deadheads and Drying Leaves

Trim back any fading flowers or yellowing leaves to liven up your indoor plant. Removing these parts of your plant encourages more blooms while also preventing any disease issues. This will keep your plant looking and feeling its best!

Control Pests

While indoor plants aren’t exposed to as many pests as outdoor plants, there are insects that commonly attack indoor plants. Be sure to check your plants weekly for any signs of infestation, such as insects, holes in the leaves, or any kind of unusual sticky substances. If you find any signs, isolate your plant from any other plants you have and treat with an insecticidal soap immediately. The sooner you treat your plant, the better off your plant will be.

Whether you are new at taking care of indoor plants or an expert, following this guide will ensure that your plants thrive. To shop for more plants, or if you have any questions, contact Nancy’s Floral for all your plant needs!

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